REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS FOR CDBG PUBLIC SERVICES and CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES APPLICATION: The Agency Representative with Binding Authority below certifies the following statements:
The organization has no conflict of interest with the City of Prescott appointed or elected representatives under the provisions of ARS Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 8 regarding conflict of interest and exceptions thereto, and including the City of Prescott Procurement Code dated September 23, 2004.
The organization will comply with federal requirements to be observed by organizations being funded with CDBG/HUD funds, including compliance with Federal Labor Standards, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Equal Opportunity, and Non-Discrimination; Section 109, Title VI and EO 11246. All requirements are described in 24 CFR 570 (CDBG Entitlement Grants).
Sufficient supplementary funds are available from non-CDBG sources to complete the project, as described, if CDBG funds are allocated to the applicant.
The authorized official’s signature below certifies that this CDBG Application Package has been reviewed and all information provided in this application and any
attachment(s) thereto are true and correct.